Journal of Medicinal Chemistry
Volume 42, Issue 11 (June 3, 1999)
Copyright © 1999 American Chemical Society

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Highly Potent Cyclic Disulfide Antagonists of Somatostatin Simon J. Hocart, Rahul Jain, William A. Murphy, John E. Taylor, and David H. Coy [Full Article - PDF]


[3H]Azidodantrolene: Synthesis and Use in Identification of a Putative Skeletal Muscle Dantrolene Binding Site in Sarcoplasmic Reticulum Sanjay S. Palnitkar, Bin Bin, Leslie S. Jimenez, Hiromi Morimoto, Philip G. Williams, Kalanethee Paul-Pletzer, and Jerome Parness [Full Article - PDF]


1-Benzopyran-4-one Antioxidants as Aldose Reductase Inhibitors Luca Costantino, Giulio Rastelli, Maria Cristina Gamberini, Joe A. Vinson, Pratima Bose, Anna Iannone, Mariagrazia Staffieri, Luciano Antolini, Antonella Del Corso, Umberto Mura, and Albano Albasini [Full Article - PDF]


Isoxazolo-[3,4-d]-pyridazin-7-(6H)-one as a Potential Substrate for New Aldose Reductase Inhibitors Luca Costantino, Giulio Rastelli, M. Cristina Gamberini, M. Paola Giovannoni, Vittorio Dal Piaz, Paola Vianello, and Daniela Barlocco [Full Article - PDF]


Lamellarin 20-Sulfate, an Inhibitor of HIV-1 Integrase Active against HIV-1 Virus in Cell Culture M. Venkata Rami Reddy, M. Rama Rao, Denise Rhodes, Mark S. T. Hansen, Kathleen Rubins, Frederic D. Bushman, Yenamandra Venkateswarlu, and D. John Faulkner [Full Article - PDF]


Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationship of Human Neutrophil Collagenase (MMP-8) Inhibitors Using Comparative Molecular Field Analysis and X-ray Structure Analysis Hans Matter, Wilfried Schwab, Denis Barbier, Günter Billen, Burkhard Haase, Bernhard Neises, Manfred Schudok, Werner Thorwart, Herman Schreuder, Volker Brachvogel, Petra Lönze, and Klaus Ulrich Weithmann [Full Article - PDF]


Synthesis and in Vitro Multidrug Resistance Modulating Activity of a Series of Dihydrobenzopyrans and Tetrahydroquinolines Romana Hiessböck, Christian Wolf, Elisabeth Richter, Manuela Hitzler, Peter Chiba, Martin Kratzel, and Gerhard Ecker [Full Article - PDF]


Novel Antidiabetic and Hypolipidemic Agents. 3. Benzofuran-Containing Thiazolidinediones K. Anji Reddy, B. B. Lohray, V. Bhushan, A. C. Bajji, K. Vivekananda Reddy, P. Rajamohan Reddy, T. Hari Krishna, I. Nageswara Rao, H. Kumar Jajoo, N. V. S. Mamidi Rao, Ranjan Chakrabarti, T. Dileepkumar, and R. Rajagopalan [Full Article - PDF]


1,2,5-Oxadiazole N-Oxide Derivatives and Related Compounds as Potential Antitrypanosomal Drugs: Structure-Activity Relationships Hugo Cerecetto, Rossanna Di Maio, Mercedes González, Mariela Risso, Patricia Saenz, Gustavo Seoane, Ana Denicola, Gonzalo Peluffo, Celia Quijano, and Claudio Olea-Azar [Full Article - PDF]


Effect of A-Ring Modifications on the DNA-Binding Behavior and Cytotoxicity of Pyrrolo[2,1-c][1,4]benzodiazepines David E. Thurston, D. Subhas Bose, Philip W. Howard, Terence C. Jenkins, Alberto Leoni, Pier G. Baraldi, Andrea Guiotto, Barbara Cacciari, Lloyd R. Kelland, Marie-Paule Foloppe, and Sylvain Rault [Full Article - PDF]


Low-Molecular-Weight Peptidic and Cyclic Antagonists of the Receptor for the Complement Factor C5a Angela M. Finch, Allan K. Wong, Natalii J. Paczkowski, S. Khémar Wadi, David J. Craik, David P. Fairlie, and Stephen M. Taylor [Full Article - PDF]


Unique Analogues of Anandamide: Arachidonyl Ethers and Carbamates and Norarachidonyl Carbamates and Ureas Edward W. Ng, Mie Mie Aung, Mary E. Abood, Billy R. Martin, and Raj K. Razdan [Full Article - PDF]


3,7-Disubstituted-1,2,3,4-tetrahydroisoquinolines Display Remarkable Potency and Selectivity as Inhibitors of Phenylethanolamine N-Methyltransferase versus the 2-Adrenoceptor1a Gary L. Grunewald, Vilas H. Dahanukar, Bee Teoh,1b and Kevin R. Criscione [Full Article - PDF]


Synthesis, Calcium Mobilizing, and Physicochemical Properties of D-chiro-Inositol 1,3,4,6-Tetrakisphosphate, a Novel and Potent Ligand at the D-myo-Inositol 1,4,5-Trisphosphate Receptor Changsheng Liu, Richard J. Davis, Stefan R. Nahorski, Stephanie Ballereau, Bernard Spiess, and Barry V. L. Potter [Full Article - PDF]


1-(1,2,5-Thiadiazol-4-yl)-4-azatricyclo[,6]heptanes as New Potent Muscarinic M1 Agonists: Structure-Activity Relationship for 3-Aryl-2-propyn-1-yloxy and 3-Aryl-2-propyn-1-ylthio Derivatives Lone Jeppesen, Preben H. Olesen, Lena Hansen, Malcolm J. Sheardown, Christian Thomsen, Thger Rasmussen, Anders Fink Jensen, Michael S. Christensen, Karin Rimvall, John S. Ward, Celia Whitesitt, David O. Calligaro, Frank P. Bymaster, Neil W. Delapp, Christian C. Felder, Harlan E. Shannon, and Per Sauerberg [Full Article - PDF]


New Generation Dopaminergic Agents. 6. Structure-Activity Relationship Studies of a Series of 4-(Aminoethoxy)indole and 4-(Aminoethoxy)indolone Derivatives Based on the Newly Discovered 3-Hydroxyphenoxyethylamine D2 Template Richard E. Mewshaw, Michael B. Webb, Karen L. Marquis, Georgia B. McGaughey, Xiaojie Shi, Theodore Wasik, Rosemary Scerni, Julie A. Brennan, and Terrance H. Andree [Full Article - PDF]


7-Iodo and 7-Fluoro Steroids as Androgen Receptor-Mediated Imaging Agents David C. Labaree, Robert M. Hoyte, Lynne V. Nazareth, Nancy L. Weigel, and Richard B. Hochberg [Full Article - PDF]



6-Anilinouracil-Based Inhibitors of Bacillus subtilis DNA Polymerase III: Antipolymerase and Antimicrobial Structure-Activity Relationships Based on Substitution at Uracil N3 Paul M. Tarantino, Jr., Chengxin Zhi, Joseph J. Gambino, George E. Wright, and Neal C. Brown [Full Article - PDF]


Simplified Pepstatins: Synthesis and Evaluation of N-Terminally Modified Analogues Martin Kratzel, Birgit Schlichtner, Roland Kirchmayer, and Andreas Bernkop-Schnürch [Full Article - PDF]


Thioamides: Synthesis, Stability, and Immunological Activities of Thioanalogues of Imreg. Preparation of New Thioacylating Agents Using Fluorobenzimidazolone Derivatives Boulos Zacharie, Mouna Lagraoui, Marika Dimarco, Christopher L. Penney, and Lyne Gagnon [Full Article - PDF]


Synthesis and Pharmacology of the Baclofen Homologues 5-Amino-4-(4-chlorophenyl)pentanoic Acid and the R- and S-Enantiomers of 5-Amino-3-(4-chlorophenyl)pentanoic Acid Rolf Karla, Bjarke Ebert, Christian Thorkildsen, Claus Herdeis, Tommy N. Johansen, Birgitte Nielsen, and Povl Krogsgaard-Larsen [Full Article - PDF]



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